Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Different types of automation frameworks

Automation Framework

Automation framework is a combination of assumptions, concepts and practices of testing.

Advantages of Test automation framework

- provides an outline of overall test structure.
- Maximizes reusability
- ensures testing consistency.
- enables test automation using data.

Types of Automation framework

- Data Driven automation framework.
- Keyword driven automation framework.
- Modular automation framework.
- Hybrid automation frmework.

Data driven automation framework
- Different inputs are taken from pre defined data set.
- Repeated use of test scripts.
- Helps in reducing coding for large test cases.
- Ease of testing of time consuming and complex test cases.

Keyword Driven automation framework
- Keyword driven testing or table driven testing.
- Enables documentation of the functionality of the application under test (AUT) in a tabular format.

Modular automation framework
- Enables creation of small and independent modules and functions of the application under test (AUT).
- Enables creation of library files which represents modules and functions of the AUT.
Hybrid automation framework
- most popular framework.
- combination of above 3 frameworks.